July 11, 2010

Self inventory

What my iMac has been seeing lately:

That’s the scanning window of Delicious Library 2, a Mac program that lets you catalog your books, videos, music, and just about everything else you own. You don’t have to type anything: If you hold a product barcode up to the Mac’s iSight camera—just for a couple of seconds, so it fills the middle of the scanner window—Delicious Library reads the UPC code and instantly grabs the product name, photo, and other info from the Internet, and adds a picture of it to the library shelf.

There are five tons of features, but none of it gets in your way. So easy. I got it in one of the MacHeist software bundles, didn’t use it for months, and just tried it out yesterday while culling through my hundreds of CDs to sell most of them off. I’ve scanned a whole virtual rack of CDs that I’m going to export to a list. It takes almost no effort.

I love living in the future.

No, this isn’t a paid endorsement. Delicious Library just rocks.

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